


The 全球机遇办公室 (OGO) will try to assist you with the visa application process; however, 识别是你的责任, 及时申请并取得相应的签证. 政府签证办不为学生办理或签发签证. 本网站定期进行审查和更新, you must check with the appropriate consulate for the most accurate information. All visa application regulations are imposed by the host country, not OGO.


A visa is an official entry/residency permit granted by the immigration authorities of your host country which allows you to maintain residence for an extended period of time. It is important to understand the visa requirements for ALL countries that you plan to visit. 有不同类型的签证,如旅游、学生和工作签证. Be sure to clarify which type of visa you will need based on your program type. The type of visa that you obtain may require you to leave the country before a certain date or forbid you from performing work, 不管是自愿的还是为了钱.

The physical visa itself is usually a stamp or document attached to your passport. 出于这个原因,you will need a passport before applying for your visa so that you can mail it in with the associated paperwork. This is why some programs may require you to have a passport at the time of application. The visa and passport process may take three to four months, so start early. Also make sure that your passport will be valid for at least 6 months after your planned return date. (A U.S. passport is valid for 10 years for 公民 over the age of 16 when the passport was issued and for 5 years for those who were younger than 16.然而), 签证规定经常变化, so check with the appropriate embassy/consulate of your host country.


签证由东道国政府签发. You must submit an application to receive a visa by following the very specific requirements of that country. The granting of visas is always at the discretion of the host country and they may deny an application at any time. 获得签证的费用和要求各不相同. It is your responsibility to determine visa requirements for ALL countries you plan to visit while abroad. This includes countries that you plan to visit before or after your study abroad program. You can find this information by checking the website of the US-based embassy for the countries you will be visiting or by checking the 美国国务院网站. (访问 大使馆名单 以获得相应大使馆网站的链接.)


  • 你可能被拒绝进入, or be deported from a country for which you have not obtained the required visa. The 全球机遇办公室 and newbb电子平台 are not responsible for obtaining your visa nor are they in any way responsible for your visa or entry denial.
  • For some countries, certain medical requirements must be met before a visa will be issued.
  • For some countries, you may be denied visa if you have any type of police report or criminal record.
  • 学习时间, 学习计划, 而其他活动都决定了什么样的签证, 如果有任何, 是必要的.
  • All consulates work on a per jurisdiction basis, meaning that they divide the U.S. 进入区域. 你的管辖范围由你的永久住址决定, 所以一定要知道你属于哪个司法管辖区.


Many consulates will want to know if you have paid-in-full for the program before you are granted a visa. The OGO can write a letter to confirm payment of your program costs for students participating on 俄亥俄州 sponsored programs, 如果请求. Some countries may require you to provide 资金证明 to support yourself while in country for the entire period (i.e. 银行对账单、助学金证明等.)


You will most likely need a letter of admission from your home university or host institution, 留学保险证明, 资金证明, 可能还有其他申请签证的文件. OGO can provide you with a letter to confirm your status as an 俄亥俄州 student if that is required. All necessary documents must be turned in to OGO before we can provide this letter.


如果你不是美国人.S. citizen, consult the embassy of the countries you will visit to learn of your visa requirements. (访问 http://embassy.goabroad.com/  以获得相应大使馆网站的链接.你所遵循的程序可能与美国的不同.S. 公民. It is important to start this process as soon as possible in order to assemble documents and allow time for lengthy procedures.


  1. 大多数国家对申请签证的时间都有限制. 在大多数情况下, visa applications will not be considered more than 90 days prior to entry into host country.
  2. 在大多数情况下,学生必须从他们的东道国申请. This means if you are planning pre-program travel or are planning back-to-back programs AND you will not be in the U.S. 3 months prior to arrival in your host country, you may have issues securing your visa. 尽早开始研究.
  3. 你可能会被要求亲自去申请签证. This could require multiple trips to the consulate which has jurisdiction over your state of residence. 其他领事馆将允许你通过邮件申请. It is always advisable to use an Express Service via insured mail with a tracking number. (请再次向具体领事馆查询详情. 有些可能需要UPS,而其他可能只允许联邦快递.) Do NOT send your visa application through regular mail as you risk losing your passport and other important documents.

这个过程可能会很长. 即使你及时按照指示去做, 你可能不会收到领事官员的及时回复. 一定要尽早开始这个过程.


如果你的时间很紧, there are various visa agencies that will assist you in expediting the visa process. These companies generally charge a significant fee on top of the cost of obtaining the visa. You will still be required to provide the Visa Agency with all the necessary documents.

*Note: These companies are NOT affiliated with nor endorsed by newbb电子平台 in any manner; however, 他们是签证处理服务的常用公司. You are encouraged to explore websites and reviews before deciding on which to use.

由于签证要求的不断变化, OGO staff can only offer very limited information regarding the procedures for applying for your visa. 资料如有更改,恕不另行通知. 如需最新资讯,请 请点击此处查看相关领事网站的链接.