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Health & 安全信息

The Basics

The 全球机遇办公室 (OGO) and Ohio University consider your safety to be one of the most important aspects of your global experience. 本页提供有关政府采购办流程和程序的全面信息.


  • Requires you to have a cell phone capable of making and receiving international calls while abroad.
  • Requires you to attend OGO’s Bobcats Abroad Orientation, including a mandatory Health & 安全报告.
  • 保持24小时紧急热线,有一名工作人员随时待命.
  • 监控安全信息,国际SOS更新,和美国.S. 国务院的每日咨询.
  • 促进俄亥俄留学风险评估委员会, 哪个网站评论网站, incidents, and travel risks.
  • 要求俄亥俄州项目主管在出发前提交应急计划, 其中包括项目行程和当地的住房地址, hospitals, police, fire, 以及额外的紧急联系人.
  • 向您分发国际SOS卡(详情见下文).
  • Requires U.S. citizens to register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) through the U.S. Department of State and encourages international students to seek similar support from their home countries.
  • Enrolls you in mandatory international health insurance for the duration of your time abroad, free of charge.


There will always be risks associated with travel, even within the United States. To minimize risk, learn about your host destination and have a plan of action if an incident occurs. 在准备课程时,请考虑以下几点.

Before you go:

  • 通过访问旅游网站来研究你的项目的位置.state.并使用国际SOS网站获取安全信息, 入口/出口需求, 潜在的风险因素.
  • 对健康的研究建议, 包括在你所在国家的疾控中心接种疫苗和免疫接种.gov/travel. If needed, visit the Campus Care Travel Clinic for a travel consultation to review and obtain necessary immunizations, 预防性药物(如抗疟疾药物), and information on appropriate health and safety concerns prior to traveling abroad. 确保你也接种了最新的常规疫苗.
  • 确保你有足够的处方为你的项目长度. Use International SOS to check the legality of any prescriptions in your host country. 把你的处方复印件带到国外.
  • U.S. citizens should follow the instructions in your application to enroll in Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP). STEP在美国登记你的旅行.S. Embassy or Consulate in your host country, so that they can be a resource if needed. Non-U.S. citizens should contact the embassy of their home country to find out about services offered.
  • Attend the mandatory Bobcats Abroad Conference sessions and any other pre-departure orientations for your program. Research international cell phone plans to ensure you meet OHIO’s cell phone requirements. 选项包括在当前线路上添加国际套餐, 购买本地电话卡或SIM卡, 或者租个电话. 咨询您的项目主管或供应商,以确定推荐的选项.

While away:

  • 保持健康. Being in a new culture or place can be tiring, so it is important to take care of yourself! Do what you would do at home to stay mentally and physically healthy such as exercising, journaling, 服用处方药. Be familiar with symptoms of culture shock and seek help if you are experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety (engaging in risky behavior, 人格改变, 比平时多睡或少睡, 缺乏个人卫生, excess fatigue, 反复出现的悲伤和绝望的感觉). In an emergency, you can also contact OHIO Counseling and Psychological Services at ohio.教育/学生事务/咨询或+ 1740-593 -1616.


在紧急情况下, 联系当地资源,比如你的项目主管, 现场支持人员或当地紧急服务人员. 如果您在紧急情况下需要联系全球机遇办公室, 请致电+1 740 593 4583. 在紧急情况下拨打国际SOS,请拨打+1 215-942-8478.


International SOS

  • 国际SOS是一家领先的全球服务提供商. OHIO contracts with International SOS to provide assistance with a medical emergency, personal, travel, legal, 和/或安全问题. 一个电话就能把你连接到一个多语种的工作人员网络, 包括证券分析师, doctors, 护士和心理健康专家. Services range from telephone advice and referrals to full-scale medical evacuations.
  • Visit before you depart and enter OHIO membership number 11BTTA887908 to sign up for security email alerts and updates for your host destination(s). Additionally, we strongly recommend you download the “ISOS Assistance App” to your smart phone.
  • 国际SOS与OGO的国际健康保险公司合作. 如果您需要寻求非紧急医疗救助, call International SOS first through the “ISOS Assistance App” or at +1 215-942-8478. International SOS will check what providers are available and arrange for guarantee of payment when possible. In most cases, this means that you will not need to pay for services out-of-pocket. In some instances when a provider will not accept International SOS’ guarantee of payment, you may have to pay for services up front and seek reimbursement at a later date (OGO can support this process). Other services include medical advice and referrals to full-scale medical evacuations by private air ambulance. In case of medical emergency, dial the local equivalent to 911 or travel to a hospital immediately.
  • 下载 俄亥俄州的国际SOS会员卡在这里.


International health insurance is offered through Gallagher (Chubb Insurance). The program is mandatory and all OHIO students participating in an international experience are required to be registered for this international insurance policy. 该保单提供全面的保险, 包括紧急医疗保险, 医疗遣返, 医疗和安全后送, and more.

  • 该保单的费用由俄亥俄州承担. There is no additional charge to students traveling on OHIO’s international programs.
  • Please see the 这里是Gallagher俄亥俄州旅游手册.
  • This coverage is for international travel and study only and does not cover you while in the U.S. It does not replace your domestic health insurance plan such as the Ohio University Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan.


  • Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and OGO may be able to help you find a program that suits your health and safety needs. Disclose any accessibility needs early using the 全球机遇办公室 Accessibility Accommodation Request Form (contact OGO for support).
  • WellTrack Boost: 一个自我指导的互动在线治疗项目. WellTrack Boost对newbb电子平台的学生是免费和保密的. 关于WellTrack的详细信息可以找到:
  • 校园关怀旅游关怀校园关怀为出国留学的学生提供服务, business, 还是快乐为学生准备一个保险箱, 健康的旅行体验. A travel consultation allows for reviewing and providing necessary immunizations, 预防药物, and educating the student on appropriate health and safety concerns prior to traveling abroad. 更多资料可浏览以下网址:
  • U.S. 国家旅游信息部 
  • 疾病预防控制中心: Travelers Health


OGO addresses health and safety in a mandatory Bobcats Abroad Orientation session, a required pre-departure orientation for all students participating in global programs. This conference provides students with valuable information about international travel, safety, 学生行为准则, 以及对海外美国人的看法. 所提供的信息不是特定于网站的. The program director or provider will conduct site/program-specific orientation(s). Please contact your program director or provider if you have specific health and safety concerns.