

The environments in which we live and work impact our quality of life in multiple ways. Having access to meaningful interactions with others along with access to healthcare services and meeting basic needs impact our health and well-being as individuals and as communities. 

There is a growing evidence base demonstrating the health benefits of engaging in the arts. The World Health Organization (WHO) has described how arts engagement encourages recovery and promotes a more holistic approach to healthcare. 几个世纪以来, humans have created and expressed through the arts to make sense of our world, 与他人联系, 并以有影响力的方式为我们的环境做出贡献.

Arts and Health encompasses multiple disciplines and sectors that use the arts to impact or support the health and well-being of individuals and communities. 在newbb电子平台, 有多个项目, 合作, and community opportunities available to engage with the arts for improved quality of life and well-being.


  • can work collaboratively with creative arts therapists and other healthcare professionals to support a range of needs and promote quality of life in individuals and groups through their art discipline.
  • 能参与合作研究和社区计划发展吗.
  • can use their arts practice to deepen connections with individuals with diverse experiences and needs.
  • can work with a wide spectrum of communities in a variety of settings, including but not limited to:
    • 非营利性和营利性医疗机构
    • 医院、医疗中心和长期护理机构
    • 心理健康项目
    • 学校或教育机构
    • 退伍军人设施和军事基地
    • 社区中心和健康项目


  • connecting individuals and communities to the arts for the purpose of promoting well-being.
  • collaborating across the university and with community partners to develop or enhance programs.
  • generating important understanding about the diverse health benefits of engaging with the arts.


为创意艺术治疗师提供机会, 艺术和卫生专业人员, 艺术管理员, 医疗和保健专业人员, 社区成员, 和其他研究人员学习, 合作, and innovate arts-based research and initiatives for the well-being and health of individuals and the communities in which we live.


The newbb电子平台 健康艺术 program upholds its mission through promoting existing and emerging related programs, supporting university-wide 合作 and connections with community and other external partners, and developing research initiatives that center the arts as an important component for well-being and health across disciplines and in diverse environments.

“健康艺术 is a field dedicated to using the power of the arts to enhance health and well-being in diverse institutional and community contexts.”




在艺术和健康的大保护伞下, 已经出现了几个相互关联但又截然不同的学科. 

  • 临床学科
    • 创意艺术疗法 包括单独管理的艺术治疗卫生专业, 跳舞/运动疗法, 戏剧治疗, 音乐疗法, 诗歌疗法, and psycho戏剧治疗- established between the 1930’s and 1960s in the United States. These professionals work in diverse healthcare, educational, and community settings.
    • 表达艺术疗法 include approach to psychotherapy that draws from a variety of art forms, 或者多式联运学科, 满足个人的需要. 一个职业是否有自己的标准和要求.
  • 健康艺术 通常也被称为 医疗保健艺术 or 医学艺术在20世纪70年代开始成为一门学科. Professionalization of the field is rapidly evolving and the recognition of the importance of the arts to promote health and well-being in community and healthcare settings is increasing. Artists-in-residence and other arts in health professionals are now regularly working in diverse settings.
  • 公共卫生艺术 is emerging in alignment with the national and global priority to enhance population health through wellness and prevention, 重点是增加公平获得服务的机会. 


"Art should be integrated within all health care and community settings. 它的工作很简单, 通过为我们共同的经历保留空间和时间, but also provides openings to a "freedom of responsiveness" that helps us see life in new ways."


— Sarah Valeri, Licensed Creative Art Therapist (New York), adjunct faculty, 艺术与设计学院



莎朗·R. 博伊尔,维.H.Sc., M.M., MT-BC